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Frequently Asked Questions

Help! I'm expecting twins!
  • Don't panic, There is no need to be worried about becoming a parent of multiples' but there are some additional things to be aware of:

    • Mothers may need extra pre-natal care and monitoring.

    • Babies are often born earlier, or smaller, and are therefore more vulnerable.

    • Coping with two or more newborn babies can seem an overwhelming task, and parents may need additional support to care for the babies.

    • Multiples may experience language delay, behavioural disorders, excessive rivalry or dependency.

  • Be easy on yourself. Rest as much as you can while pregnant and when your babies are sleeping

  • Don't place too many expectation on the sort of parent you will be. Sometimes your "ideal' parenting may not work out as expected (natural birth, breastfeeding, teaching them french before they're 2).

  • Communicate well with your partner, your relationship can NEVER be too strong when multiples are on the way.

  • If possible, grab some addition help from family or supportive friends or hire a night nanny, particularly in the beginning and especially if you are having a c-section.

  • ASK FOR HELP and accept it!  - write a list of ways people can help you (i.e. Wash bottles, make formula, do a load of washing, cook dinner, go shopping for you). 

  • Join your local multiple birth support group.

  • Its hard but get out of the house with the babies but join a playgroup even if you are scared, overwhelmed, exhausted and frazzled. Every other parent at playgroup has been there!

  • Sleep when your babies sleep. It's hard to do when you're used to being a productive member of society, but the more rested you are the better your milk production, the better your mood, the better your relationship with your family. 

  • Enjoy - you are part of a very special group and are very lucky!

Rock Stars: you and your babies will become this quickly! You wont be able to go anywhere without your kids being stopped.


Everyone has twins in their family or knows someone who does or just wants to ask "are they twins?" and comment on "how alike they are!"


I would be good to say it's nice, but sometimes its the last thing you need if you're just trying to get in and out of some place before it's time to feed or on or both has a meltdown.


The one nice thing is that other parents of twins/multiples will also stop you and offer encouragement.  Sometimes it's good to know that others have done it and you will survive!

Rock Stars!
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Jo 0450 967 276.

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Ten things parents expecting twins want to hear

1) Congratulations, that’s amazing news!

2) You’re going to have twice the cuddles and twice the fun!

3) Carrying two babies at once is going to be hard work. What can I do to help? (Follow this up by getting out your diary and planning in some actual dates to help do things like clean the bathroom or mow the lawn).

4) What would you like as a baby gift? Would nappies and wipes be more practical than a cute little outfit?

5) I’ll make you some batches of stews/bolognese for your freezer when they arrive.

6) Can I borrow your twin books so I can get a better understanding of what you’re going through and how best to support you when the babies arrive?

7) I’ll make up a big box of healthy snacks for you as I know how sick you feel when you don’t eat regularly while you’re pregnant (or if the person is being sick constantly with pregnancy sickness like I was, try offering a box of morning sickness remedies – sparkling water, crackers, seasick wristbands, ice cubes and chewing gum might work!)

8) You sit with your feet up while I make you a cuppa (or drink of your choice, depending on above level of morning sickness!)

9) You look amazing! Your bump is so neat, you’d never know you had two babies in there (not true but don’twant to hear that you look the size of a whale!)

10) Have you heard of the Australian Multiple Birth Association? Also, have you found your local twin/multiples club as they can be a great support?

Ten things parents expecting twins DON'T want to hear

1) OMG, twins, I’d rather die!

2) What did you go and do that for?!

3) Double trouble.

4) That’s going to be expensive.

5) I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

6) My friend’s sister’s aunt had twins.

7) You’re going to have your hands full.

8) Wow, rather you than me!

9) You’re going to be enormous!

10) You’re going to get fat! Don’t go eating for three!


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